Board of Directors Meeting Oct 3, 2017

MANHATTAN BEACH CIVIC ASSOCIATION– Board of Directors Meeting 10/3/17


Board Attendees

Brandon Twentymon – President

Tom McCarthy – Treasurer

Conor Devlin – Secretary

Lance Caffiero

Augie Pasquele

Bob Ferrier

Brian Copper


Number of Residents in Attendance – 0

The Manhattan Beach Civic Association’s Board of Directors Meeting was called to order at 7:11p.m. by President Brandon Twentymon.






  • We are again using Minute Man Press in Crofton for the Budget Mailing. We’ve sent them the updated neighborhood address list, the mailing will be postmarked by COB this Friday (10/6).
  • Budget line item for contributions to Jones Elementary proposed by Brandon Twentymon, in response to community requests.
  • Donation would be ear marked for specific items at the school. Breakdown of the FY19 proposed amount is: $700 for a picnic table for the new outdoor classroom and $300 towards the landscaping not covered by AACPS.






  • Our permits are in hand for the work on the Dividing Road and Oak Grove Circle Beaches. Augie and Brandon have contacted Big Island Ventures (the vendor we selected for Dividing Road) and have asked for a start date, which we hope will be within the next couple of weeks.  Once we receive the start date Brandon will sign the contract and cut the deposit check. Our goal is to have the technical work that Big Island is tasked with completed before the end of fall. Chavez Landscaping will be doing the landscaping and planting’s portion of the project, which will likely take place first thing in the spring.
  • Chavez has been furnished the permit for the pathway work at Oak Grove and anticipates commencing as early as next week. Brandon is meeting with him either later this week or first thing next week to sign the contract and cut a deposit check. This work will take 4 daysor so to complete.






  • Idea of erecting a new, more elegant, sign for the entrance to the neighborhood discussed.
  • Little Free Library has been installed and is operational.




Adjourned 7:40 PM

Respectfully submitted,



Conor Devlin

MBCA Secretary