Board Attendees
Brandon Twentymon – President
Tom McCarthy – Treasurer
Brett Bowman – Secretary
Rick Marsalek
John Doud
Number of Residents in Attendance: 0
The Manhattan Beach Civic Board of Directors Meeting was called to order at 7:20 p.m. by Brandon Twentymon.
No major updates since last meeting.
Rick Marsaek stated Henderson Law has recommended MBCA no longer pursue Mandarin Homes for money owed. Mandarin is insolvent and the cost to pursue would be too high.
The Board voted to no longer pursue Mandarin Homes.
Currently being repaired by the marina
Patio Installation
◦ The board has received one quote for the installation of the patio.
◦ Will receive two more quotes for before choosing a contractor.
◦ Timing – Late April/Early May
Brandon Twentymon installed a new towel dispenser and changing table.
Adjourned 7:30 PM